
MON OCT 12 Ok, my photoblog is starting to become a SVU blog. Lol! :D


Law & Order: SVU was back again on Sept. 29th filming in Harlem so I was able to get some more on location photos. When I got there they were initially doing a car scene on the corner of 130th St. and Lenox Ave.



It appeared that they were having some technical issues or just trying to set up the correct lighting because most of the time was spent with people focusing on the equipment, while Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hargitay were sitting in the car passing time. As you can see, I think it got a bit boring for at least Mariska. :D


Finally they worked out whatever the issues were and started taping.




At the end of the taping Christopher seemed happy with the take. He then started to discuss something that appeared to be serious with one of his co-workers.




After the take they initially started walking over to the second film location, but then there was a change of plans and they instead went to have lunch.


I don't know what was wrong with his leg, but Chris was limping while he was walking and intermittently appeared to be in pain, but then he appeared to just shake it off and smile again.


He sure does love that cell phone! He is always on it! :D


I know I have stated previously that Chris appears to me to be a bit more standoffish than Mariska and I still feel that way. However, he did stop to give his autograph to a young kid that was waiting around. See that pink pen that he used to sign the autograph? That is my pen that the kid borrowed. :D I still have the pen. It is now my Christopher Meloni pen! Lol! :D :D


I never really thought of them having body guards, but I guess they do. While Chris was signing the kid's autograph a man that appeared to be mentally impaired kept asking for a picture with Chris. I am not exactly certain what the man said or how he said it, but he set off Chris' body guard who stepped forward and blocked the guy from having access to Chris.


Mariska then came out of her trailer and started walking over to the set. Interestingly, she stopped and took a picture with the very same guy that set off Chris' bodyguard.


The young kid that got Chris' autograph also asked Mariska for hers, but she said no in a somewhat perturbed way that seemed uncharacteristic for her. However, I did not hear how the young man addressed her so I have no idea if he was demanding or rude. Maybe she was just in a rush and when she said she had to go and couldn't give an autograph the kid said something rude to her. I just don't know.


The second location was on Lenox Ave. between 132nd and 133rd streets.





Extras waiting for their cue to start walking by.


For the scene a woman (I don't know if she is a well known actress or not. If you know, please comment and leave me the info. Thanks!) gets out of a cab and starts walking towards the Associated grocery store.


As she is getting out Stabler and Benson pull up in front of the taxi and Olivia gets out and starts walking after her. However, Mariska flubbed her lines and had to start all over again. The way she squished up her face when she realized she had made a mistake was both funny and cute.


They restarted the scene from the point where Olivia got out of the car.


However, much to the director's dismay (at least I believe he was the director, he sure was acting like it. Lol! :D ) they had to stop taping for a bit because the sun came fully out, which threw off their optimal lighting.


I couldn't stick around any longer, so I left when they took that break.

Hope you enjoyed the pics! :)